Hi, I’m Madelyn, a chocolate-colored female Cocker Spaniel born around April 21, 2009.  When I first came into the program, I was really skinny and had been neglected for quite some time. Because of this, I was a little shy but quickly settled into my foster home and overcame my initial nervousness and hesitation.  They tell me that I will have nothing but happy days, full of love, from here on out, and I've learned to believe them! 

I love to follow anyone into the kitchen since I know good things come out of there and I LOVE my grub!  I’ve proven not to be food-protective whatsoever and will back up if any of the other dogs want to share my food... but on the other hand, I would eat as much as you'd let me, so it's important to feed me a limited amount twice daily.

I get along really well with the other dogs in my foster home (there are four of various sizes), and I really like my big foster sister, Abby – the other Cocker Spaniel living with me.  I tend to follow her around and enjoy seeing how she reacts to different things.  I look up to her!  I’ve even met some other dogs at the flyball field, and I got along with them; as well as, the people watching the game.  I haven’t been around children that much, so I’m not sure about them just yet. Given my friendliness with all other people I’ve met, though, my foster mom doesn’t anticipate there will be any problems with this.

I don’t get too involved in play but enjoy investigating around the backyard and watching the others play from the sidelines.  I don’t dig or climb the fence, but I did bolt out the front door once, so you'll need to keep a close eye on me to make sure I don't do it again.

I’m just a little peanut who sits still for grooming and my eye medications.  As you can tell from my pictures, I cannot see out of one of my eyes.  However, with daily, medicated drops, my eye doesn’t bother me at all. 

I'm spayed and have completed my heartworm treatment (immiticide injections). My final follow-up was September 12th, and my vet said I'm all ready for my forever home!! I’m just the sweetest thing, and my foster mom says I’ll make a wonderful addition to a very lucky family.