The Cocker Nationals, AKA Coops Excellent Adventure 

Shortly after the formation of Gulf Coast Cocker Spaniel Rescue was announced, Cooper and his mom, Stephanie, were invited to participate in the Parade of Rescues at the American Spaniel Club Nationals in Richmond, VA. Granted, they were finding out about it 8 DAYS before they needed to be there... so Cooper's mommy rushed around like a chicken with her head cut off trying to make it happen. This little trip required Cooper to ride in CARGO of all things... but apparently the Continental Airlines 'setup' was okay... and he fared well on the direct flight to Washington, DC. Then they rented a car and drove to Richmond to see what all the hub-bub was about!! They are soooo glad they went, and here are a few pics from the trip!! 

Just Testing the Mattress 

Time for my close up ! 

Show Time ! 


Mine All Mine 

Tough Day 

Mommmmmmmmmmm can i please go home in your carry on instead of in cargo ?